Today is the first time that I'm sharing my trip with someone, and someone special at that. After I took a vacation from my vacation in April to head back to Canada and visit family (see D007 and D008), Aishwarya decided to come …
This post is about the hikes that I've done during the trip that are worth doing. I'll be reviewing the hike, sharing information, and linking to relevant Dispatch blog posts. I might even throw in some pictures here and there.
So, Santiago, while not a hilly city like Valparaíso, has a couple of cerros, or hills, scattered throughout the city. There are seven or eight major ones, and I explored two. I heard news that there would be a food festival on Cerro …
After my lovely vacation from vacation in Montreal, I spent some time in Toronto and Burlington seeing my family and friends. We had a lovely time at Snakes & Lattes [*] and FreePlay [†] during a night on the town with everyone …
We started off the next day in Montreal, walking to the riverside. There was some exciting stuff down there. We checked out a craft market in an impressive building [*]. The market itself was severely underwhelming. Instead of being a market, as you'd imagine …
Yes, that's right, folks. I took a vacation from my vacation to come back to Canada and see my friends and family. Only for a few weeks, a reverse vacation if you would. The flights are long but worth it!
I love the outdoors and I enjoy doing outdoor activities like hiking and climbing that allow me to take in the sights that the natural world has to offer. Although, I am a sucker for the cultural aspect of travelling as well. I am totally happy …
I've never been much of a baker myself. I do love cooking though. I am more methodical than instinctual in the kitchen. Meaning I own kitchen scales, meat thermometers, and fancy temperature -controlled kettles. That being said, once I get a recipe dialed in, I …
I did it. I found an apartment in the right centre of Santiago. When I was living in Chile with my family in 2010, my mom used a company called ContactChile to help get a short-term rental in the …
After that lovely trip to Valparaíso, I spent the next little bit in Santiago with my Grandmother and Uncle, who were renting a big apartment in the República neighbourhood of Santiago. I was looking for an apartment to rent …
Generally, I enjoy graffiti. I know some do not, and of course, there is the age-old battle between what defines "street art" and "graffiti". My definition is probably a bit too lax, but if I see it in the street and I enjoy it …
There is a habit that I have been doing for a while which is perhaps on the borderline of becoming a tradition. And that is, appreciating the "colinas" (hills) on the journey out of the Santiago SCL airport. They aren't mountains, just foothills …