1. D011: The First Visitor

    (Days 113 to 114)

    Friday, May 12th

    Today is the first time that I'm sharing my trip with someone, and someone special at that. After I took a vacation from my vacation in April to head back to Canada and visit family (see D007 and D008), Aishwarya decided to come …

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  2. M02: Hikes


    This post is about the hikes that I've done during the trip that are worth doing. I'll be reviewing the hike, sharing information, and linking to relevant Dispatch blog posts. I might even throw in some pictures here and there.



    Parque Metropolitano

    address: |
      Parque Metropolitano,
      Av. El …
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  3. D010: Exploring the Cerros

    (Days 101 to 107)

    Sunday, April 30th

    So, Santiago, while not a hilly city like Valparaíso, has a couple of cerros, or hills, scattered throughout the city. There are seven or eight major ones, and I explored two. I heard news that there would be a food festival on Cerro …

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  4. D009: Visiting History

    (Days 86 to 92)

    Saturday, April 15th to Thursday, April 20th

    After my lovely vacation from vacation in Montreal, I spent some time in Toronto and Burlington seeing my family and friends. We had a lovely time at Snakes & Lattes [*] and FreePlay [†] during a night on the town with everyone …

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  5. M01: Lodgings

    What's a Meta Post?

    It's a post about a certain topic that I will keep updating, providing information for travellers and helping me catalogue various things.


    This post is about all the places I've stayed on my trip. I'll be writing a review for each one. Hopefully, this can …

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  6. D008: Vacation Squared 2

    (Days 78 to 80)

    Friday, April 7th

    We started off the next day in Montreal, walking to the riverside. There was some exciting stuff down there. We checked out a craft market in an impressive building [*]. The market itself was severely underwhelming. Instead of being a market, as you'd imagine …

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  7. D007: Vacation Squared 1

    (Days 72 to 77)

    Yes, that's right, folks. I took a vacation from my vacation to come back to Canada and see my friends and family. Only for a few weeks, a reverse vacation if you would. The flights are long but worth it!

    Saturday, April 1st

    And while not …

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  8. D006: Art Crawl

    (Days 44 to 58)

    I love the outdoors and I enjoy doing outdoor activities like hiking and climbing that allow me to take in the sights that the natural world has to offer. Although, I am a sucker for the cultural aspect of travelling as well. I am totally happy …

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  9. D005: Stealing Secrets

    (Day 17)

    Saturday, February 4th

    I've never been much of a baker myself. I do love cooking though. I am more methodical than instinctual in the kitchen. Meaning I own kitchen scales, meat thermometers, and fancy temperature -controlled kettles. That being said, once I get a recipe dialed in, I …

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  10. D004: Housing Acquired

    (Days 16 to 25)

    Friday, February 3rd to Sunday, February 12th

    I did it. I found an apartment in the right centre of Santiago. When I was living in Chile with my family in 2010, my mom used a company called ContactChile to help get a short-term rental in the …

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  11. D003: Focused on Food

    (Days 4 to 18)

    Sunday, January 22nd to Sunday, February 5th

    After that lovely trip to Valparaíso, I spent the next little bit in Santiago with my Grandmother and Uncle, who were renting a big apartment in the República neighbourhood of Santiago. I was looking for an apartment to rent …

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  12. D002: Valparaíso Street Art

    (Day 3)

    Saturday, January 21st, 2023

    Generally, I enjoy graffiti. I know some do not, and of course, there is the age-old battle between what defines "street art" and "graffiti". My definition is probably a bit too lax, but if I see it in the street and I enjoy it …

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  13. D001: Habits Becoming Traditions

    (Days 1 - 3)

    Thursday, January 19th, 2023

    There is a habit that I have been doing for a while which is perhaps on the borderline of becoming a tradition. And that is, appreciating the "colinas" (hills) on the journey out of the Santiago SCL airport. They aren't mountains, just foothills …

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  14. D000: Down South Once Again

    An edited meme depicting Bernie Sanders.


    Just like that Bernie Sanders meme, "I am once again‥ taking a trip to South America". I think that is what he said.

    But seriously. I am already in Santiago, Chile, and I have been here since January 19th, 2023. I feel the urge to do a bit of …

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