M02: Hikes


Filed under: travel


This post is about the hikes that I've done during the trip that are worth doing. I'll be reviewing the hike, sharing information, and linking to relevant Dispatch blog posts. I might even throw in some pictures here and there.



Parque Metropolitano

address: |
  Parque Metropolitano,
  Av. El Cerro,
  Región Metropolitana,
visited: 2023-05-06

Referenced in:

The Parque Metropolitano, Metropolitan Park, of Santiago is on Cerro San Cristóbal. The park is large, with a mix of paved roads, hiking paths, biking paths, and cable car routes. My hike at the park consisted mainly of me following the paved roads up. I also took the Sendero Gabriela Mistral and the Sendero Zorro Vidal on the way down. I saw the Torreón Victoria, the Plaza Mexico, and the Santuario de la Inmaculada Concepción, the statue of the Virgin Mary. I talked about my walk through the park in D010: Exploring the Cerros. Here is my map of the hike I recorded from my watch.