The Reading List

2022-11-10 (m. 2022-11-10)

Filed under: read

  1. AI Assistants - Roberto Pieraccini
  2. Cybersecurity - Duane C. Wilson
  3. Computing A Concise History - Paul E. Ceruzzi
  4. Haptics - Lynette Jones
  5. AI Ethics - Mark Coeckelbergh
  6. Machine Translation - Thierry Poibeau
  7. Computational Thinking - Peter J. Denning, Matti Tedre
  8. The Internet of Things - Samuel Greengard
  9. Recommendation Engines - Michael Schrage
  10. Biofabrication - Ritu Raman
  11. Virtual Reality - Samuel Greengard
  12. GPS - Paul E. Ceruzzi
  13. The Technological Singularity - Murray Shanahan
  14. Memes in Digital Culture - Limor Shifman
  15. Robots - John M. Jordan
  16. Data Science - John D. Kelleher, Brendan Tierney
  17. Machine Learning - Ethem Alpaydn
  18. Cloud Computing - Nayan B. Ruparelia
  19. Spaceflight A Concise History - Michael J. Neufield
  20. Spatial Computing - Shashi Shekhar, Pamela Vold
  21. Algorithms - Panos Louridas
  22. Deep Learning - John D. Kelleher
  23. Self-Tracking - Gina Neff, Dawn Nafus
  24. Fake Photos - Hany Farid